Servizi > Calcolo e Reti > Access to the IT services

Access to the IT services



Attention: As of September 2020, new procedures have been implemented that require, where not already provided, the creation of a digital identity, the corresponding AAI credentials, and the subsequent acknowledgment of the INFN's policies regarding the use of IT resources and personal data handling.

The procedure for requesting an account by a potential user is described below:

1 - User: Connect to the INFN user portal and, if you do not already have an account on the INFN portal (typically created during a previous thesis, collaboration, etc.), start the registration process and verification of the email address that will be used for further communications.

1 alt - User: If you have valid SPID credentials or a valid CIE (Electronic Identity Card), you can skip step 1 and go directly to step 2.1 by using the respective credentials ("Login with SPID", "Login with CIE") to authenticate on the user portal and create an already verified digital identity.


2 - User: Once the registration process is complete, use the newly created credentials (email address and password) to log in to the INFN user portal.

2.1 - User: Submit a request for:

  • Identity verification
  • Access to IT resources. It is necessary to indicate a contact person in the INFN Section or in the  Department of Physics.
  • Authorization to engage in financial relationships with the organization (necessary for association purposes)

you may only request identity verification; however, requests 2) and 3) necessarily imply the completion of 1).

3 - Personnel Office: Contacts the user to arrange the identity verification process.

4 - Contact person: Approves the request for access to resources.

5 - User: Attends the basic safety course.

6 - Contact person: Sends the request form to the Section’s IT service (here is the English version).

For more information: description of the INFN digital identity system.

Access to INFN computing resources and network services is granted to employees, associates, as well as collaborators, guests, PhD students, residents, research fellows, grant holders, and thesis students authorized by their respective contacts and/or supervisors.

Access is personal, cannot be shared or transferred, and is granted to each user only in compliance with the regulations outlined in this document.

The request for access to computing resources must be submitted to the IT service personnel using the form provided below (Network access request forms), duly completed and countersigned, in the case of students, PhD students, research fellows, and guests, by a supervisor/contact who is affiliated with the INFN Section or the Department of Physics. The same form can also be used to request a static (public) IP address to be assigned to a desktop/server.



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     last updated on: 09.01.2025, 09:17 by: il Sire